Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Playing the game

There has been a game going around of making up sentences/ definitions for the verification words.

I have a pretty good collection, which I offer for Leslie's book http://leslieshillbillyheaven.blogspot.com/2008/11/one-for-road.html
(release date-tba). lol
"The kids must have gotten into the coaffe again, because they put a minadogi (a Chihuahua I think) in my dresser drara, then had the nerve to tell me-" that's some nisaunwr and socks you got there." ooo..kill i !! Why they would do such a thing would mestifi anyone!"


Addie said...

You are just too much! What a hoot. I'm sure Mom will appreciate this...passing her the laptop. :-)

Scott said...

Too funny!

Thanks for following us, we've added you to our blog roll as well!

Btw, my confirmation word is "thutzese"

Stephen said...

Sorry, I want to laugh out loud but I have a bad case of cysteods Hope you understand.