Leslie from Hillbilly Heaven posted a Meme, not too long ago....
http://leslieshillbillyheaven.blogspot.com/2009/02/barbara-here-is-my-meme.htmlAnd tagged anyone who wanted to play along, (so consider yourself tagged ;-)
The object is to describe yourself using each letter of the alphabet
So here is mine:
A- My name is Alex
B- I enjoy "Blogging"
C- I have 5 children
D- My husband's name is Doug
Etsy- I would love to sell my sculptures on
EtsyF- is for Family
G - has got to be for greyhound
H- is for humor- it makes everything better- movies, blogs, relationships, life
I- Interior Decorating- one of my passions
J- I like Jade, Japanese Irises,the smell of Jasmine, jazz (but only big band/swing), and my
Jack Russell mutt - named Pepsi)
K- is for kitchen , where I spend a LOT of my time
L- has to be for laundry (if you have kids; you understand why)
M- is for "Mom"- My other name.
N- New York (my hometown!)
O- is for- "O.K."- I use that phrase WAY too often when I blog
P- is for the Power of Prayer
Q- is for quiet- with 5 kids and 2 dogs I am not very familiar with this, but I think it sounds like a wonderful concept
R- I am a practicing Roman Catholic- ( but I do need more "practice" ;-)
S- Is for sculpting and
scrapbooking (which I do with varying amounts of Success)
T- is for Television- which I watch far too much, Teachers- (for whom I have the greatest respect!!)- and teenagers (well-- not so much)
U- is for unusual- dare to be different
V- is for Virginia (I have lived here 21 years and counting)
W- is for warm and windy- I love warm, windy days.
xeriscape landscaping (a good idea, especially when watering plants is not your thing)
Y- is for yellow- Not my favorite color- but still- the color of my house (exterior and
living room), daffodils, honeysuckle, lemon meringue pie, and buttered popcorn, (so it's pretty cool)
Z - our last name starts with Z- so my initials are A.Z. (and that's me from A - Z)