(We have been working up to it with our park outings, however)
Sunday all the planets aligned, everyone was healthy, and we were able to enjoy Amazing fall weather for a 3 mile hike.
Hero showed Rumor the ropes...
They may walk alike and bark alike, but they do NOT think alike !
Rumor gets very excited seeing rabbits, squirrels, cats, (and falling leaves ;)
Hero finds those things; boring, mundane, totally beneath him- literally, (considering how large our Hero is). But he certainly got very excited when we saw horses and deer (which Rumor completely ignored-)
(Sorry, I tried to get a picture of the large herd of deer (8? maybe) we saw crossing the field, but by the time I got my camera out and turned on, they were gone)
After our hike, I decided that between sharing the trail with horses (use your imagination) and the fact that the dogs have had drier/ flakier skin lately ( I blame it on the crazy weather ) a bath/spa was in order (complete with oatmeal shampoo and conditioner).
I did not take a picture in the tub (I had my hands full between shampooing, rinsing and keeping the greyhounds from getting wobbly :)
Here is bathing beauty Rumor after her bath- note the front legs...
has that sexy-shy thing going.
Hero & Rumor look like best buddies! Glad you are all feeling better.
I love her spa shot, what a glamour girl!
She's quite the lady!! Glad you guys are well!
I'm not sure the kids would agree that a 3 mile hike is worth getting a bath. Love the spa shot.
Perfect cross pose! Glad to hear you could get out again - our walking days are numbered with December nearing...
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